Alex Sheedy

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The Legal Risk of Potholes

There is a pothole in your asphalt parking lot. Fixing the asphalt might not be a priority at the moment. It should be! What if someone got hurt walking through your parking lot and stepped in it? What if someone drove through it and damaged their car? If this happened on your property, you could be at risk financially or legally. These results could cost you more money than fixing the pothole would have.

Personal Injury

According to the CDC, Slip/trip and falls make up 15% of all work-related injuries. About 80% of these injuries result from ice. 20% of these injuries, however, are due to other reasons such as potholes. If you own the parking lot, it is your responsibility to maintain the parking lot and keep it safe for the public. 

The cost of paying for someone's injury or even a lawsuit is an expense to be avoided. Fixing the pothole will cost you less money and won't be money wasted. Spend that money improving your asphalt parking lot instead.

Vehicle Damage

According to a survey that AAA did in 2022, "1 in 10 drivers sustained vehicle damage significant enough to warrant a repair after hitting a pothole." They conclude that, based on average repair costs, this resulted in $26.5 billion of vehicle damage in 2021. 

That is a large amount of money. That pothole in the parking lot may seem insignificant until someone's car is damaged. The last thing you want is to be on the hook for paying for repairs on someone’s vehicle.

If you think that you are at risk or have a pothole that needs repaired contact me today.